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New posts in image-processing

Is Dilation/Erosion with fixed kernel for a number of iterations is similar to dilating/eroding with equivalent kernel of bigger size

c++ opencv image-processing

Training images using SVM on OpenCV

finding similar images from a database using image only not via tag

OpenCV/python: How to change image pixels' values using a formula?

Box filter size in relation to Gaussian filter sigma

Create base64 encoded images with JavaScript

Why does MinMaxScaler add lines to image?

Resize images that are larger than X in Ubuntu

Can Kullback-Leibler be applied to compare two images?

OpenCV : Using a Trimap image

How to obtain the skeleton of a binary image with scikit-image

How to load a TIFF image like a graph in C++ BOOST

Display pixels values as an image

Matching values from a matrix in a 3-D array

threshold_local returns a different result than threshold_adaptive in scikit-image

Numpy - normalize RGB pixel array

How do I multiply the spectra of two images of different dimensions?

Detecting center point of cross using Matlab

detect the most used colour in an image using python

Algorithm to get an approximate depth map from an embossed/relief image