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New posts in image-processing

Find character, in particular numbers, in photo - is there a framework? [closed]

java image-processing ocr

How to measure Peak signal to noise ratio of images?

How to get a matrix of pixels and reshape matrix in openCV

How to extract simple geometric forms from contours in opencv

Photoshop's Auto-Levels,Contrasts / Picasa's feeling lucky


How Viola Jones With AdaBoost Algorithm Work in Face Detection?

Crop image after selecting area using edge detection in android

Recommended pattern recognition technique for chess board

Is there an image processing library / AR technique appropriate for recognizing objects in a known setting?

Focus of Expansion

How to use a low-resolution, cropped photo as a guide to re-crop a higher resolution copy of the original?

Auto-cropping images with PIL

How to identify points on black polygon using javacv/opencv?

Detecting quadrilateral shapes from random set of lines segments

working with yml files in python and opencv

CBIR indexing strategy

Cropping an image in iOS using OpenCV face detection

Curve reconstruction implementation

Best-fit a rectangle over a 2D blob

sorting 2d points into a matrix