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New posts in image-processing

Auto white balancing for camera

Checking if a image contains text?


OpenCV C++ Draw Rectangle Based on two line

c++ opencv image-processing

Detect basket ball Hoops and ball tracking

How to convert Color of a Rectangle (ROI) in a matrix with OpenCV Java?

extending KineticJS - custom filter

Convert grayscale image to RGB

Out Of Memory with images in Android 5

Finding best neighbour pixel

Separable filter on numpy array

opencv: Using contours and Hough transform on rectangle detection

How do I scale a CGImage in an optimal way?

MATLAB - How to eliminate shadowed background on an image

Recreated png image is black

php image-processing gd

Creating rectangle within a blob using OpenCV

Error while resizing image: "error: (-215:Assertion failed) func != 0 in function 'resize'"

Flash upload image resize client side

Rotate cv::Mat using cv::warpAffine offsets destination image

Window width and center calculation of DICOM image

image-processing dicom

Resources for image distortion algorithms