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New posts in image-processing

Challenging image segmentation: background and objects are similar

Android jpeg pictureCallback to grayscale Opencv Mat

Separate letters in image c#

Neural Networks for hexagon-shaped (and binned) images?

How to detect which circles are filled + OpenCV + Python

Using im2rec in MXnet to create dataset with png images

How do I load up an image and convert it to a proper tensor for PyTorch?

How to detect a pattern (such as a QR code) on a scanned paper so that it can be correctly rotated/scaled/identified?

Is this a correct implementation of ordered dithering?

How to Detect text from images like Tyre where background and text color are similar?

How to perform scale and rotation invariant template(feature) matching and object detection in opencv python

How can I get the regions around local maxima in a 3-D array?

Find minimal number of rectangles in the image

Kotlin flows as a message queue between coroutines

How to edit hue saturation and luminance by using GPUImageFilters in android Java?

Processing byte pixels with SSE/SSE2 intrinsics in C

Determining which are the text and graphic regions in an image

Silverlight: Adding transparency to images

What are currently the best image processing libraries for Java?

java image-processing

opencv read jpeg image from buffer