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New posts in image-processing

Gradient direction computation

converting html text to an image with php

php image-processing gd

PHP using imageline and XOR

php image-processing gd

Getting a Mathematica image in Java

How to map 2D coordinates from store image to the actual shelves of the store?

What's wrong with this python image blur function?

PHP Dynamic Image Resizing (on the fly)

Dynamically shrink an image with Google Images API, but do not enlarge

Weighted Centroid of an Array

If frame-rate <= 2, video from images is a black screen

Watershed segmentation algorithm for segmenting occluded leaves in matlab

iOS - CoreImage - Add an effect to partial of image

how to detect center of a blurry circle with opencv

c++ image-processing opencv

C# Determine If Object Is Present In An Image

Can an image segmentation algorithm like GrabCut run on the iPhone GPU?

ios image-processing gpu

Nvidia NPP nppiFilter produces garbage when convolving with 2d kernel

Sorting 10,000 images by color

How to find this kind of geometry in images

calculate illuminance from Exif Data

Pygame: Converting all white pixels to fully transparent in png image