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New posts in image-processing

bitmaps to avi file c# .Net

c# image-processing

Face Detector Parameters for OpenCV cv_haar_scale_image

c++ opencv image-processing

How to determine the background color of document when there are 3 options, using c# or imagemagick

Solving Eigen System in c#?

deleting noise from eye retina

Android heart rate monitor code explanation [closed]

Detecting the camera from which the image was taken

Algorithm for adjustment of image levels

OpenCV - canny edge detection not working properly

I want to know if there is the clothing object class in the MS COCO dataset?

Read and Write png file without change file size in C (libpng)

How do I crop the black background of the image using OpenCV in Python?

Rendering text in an image in Java

java.awt.image.BufferedImage 24-bit RGB to 8-bit Grayscale conversion using custom ColorSpace

glTexImage2D multiple images

c++ opengl image-processing

PHP Thumbnail Image Generator Caching: How to set If-Last-Modified/Max-Age/Last-Modified HEADERS correctly in PHP?

Image conversion in PIL, pgm file error

Detecting mouse event in an image with matplotlib

Image detection features: SIFT, HISTOGRAM and EGDE

Convert RGB-image to one-channel gray image in R EBImage

r image-processing