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New posts in image-processing

OpenCV specific object detection

OpenCV extract area of an image from a vector of squares

Using Thumbnailator, can i make thumbnail with same height and width regardless the image size

What is the best way to serialize an image (compatible with Swing) from Java to Android?

Finding a specific index in a binary image in linear time?

Chop image into tiles using VIPS command-line

color histogram for images

CUDA, NPP Filters

Can I draw a table in canvas element?

Faster Image Processing than Lock Bits

Create a Gabor filter by applying Gabor equation using matlab

Finding the center of a contour using opencv and visual c++

Numpy image slicing returning black patches/ wrong values

Optimized skeleton function for opencv with python

Why do my images seem to be in the format of Bgra instead of Argb?

ImageCreateFromString and getimagesize in PHP

php image-processing

Getting Height and Width of Image in Java without an ImageObserver

How to compress jpg image?

c# image-processing

determine jpeg filesize without actually saving the jpeg

Multithreaded thumbnail generation in Python