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New posts in image-manipulation

How to find pixels per inch (PPI) using ImageMagick

c# .NET green screen background remove

Can you open a JPEG, add text, and resave as a JPEG in .NET?

How to display resized images on a web page while maintaining aspect ratio?

Crop-to-fit image in Android

Is it possible to perform a lossless rotation on a JPEG Image in PHP?

Getting rid of thin border at edge with transparency when antialiasing with Python Image Library

WebGL earth : how to make clouds

Combine two or more images that partially overlap

How I can detect the background of an image programmatically?

training SIFT features in OpenCV

Get remote image using cURL then resample

php curl image-manipulation gd

How do iPhone applications that change your photo work?

WPF: Cut and save image

How to cut extra background in image?

How do I rotate an image in the frequency domain?

Image Pattern Matching (if exist return coordinates)

Applying brightness and contrast with OpenGL ES