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IntelliJ Idea: automatically remove unnecessary "throws" declarations

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Is it possible to install and enable workspace extensions in vscode with the .vscode folder?

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How can I get Emacs' key bindings in Python's IDLE?

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C++ IDE for Linux with smart reference searching

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Is there a way to copy code from the Eclipse IDE without the rich-text formatting?

How do I get NetBeans to stop using MRU style tabbing when switching between editors using CTRL+TAB?

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Aptana 3 becomes very sluggish with multiple (large) projects, how do I improve performance?

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Java debug using socket vs shared memory

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Which IDE to use for Opa programming and how to host Opa code?

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Emacs ECB Alternative

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What's the easiest way to use vertical and horizontal splitting in Visual Studio at the same time?

Switching between .ui and .cpp in Qt Creator

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Debugging embedded Lua 5.2.2 code

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Detect file changes outside the Visual Basic 6 IDE?

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CLion disable C++98 mode in favour of C++11

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How to change the font size in the Properties window in Visual Studio IDE

Sublime text support for Google style guide