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New posts in http

How to properly handle client "Connection: close" request on HTTP file server?

java http

Sending HTTP request in Perl

windows perl http


asp.net http iis

Redirection and session data transfer to another server/domain after login

How do I implement client side http caching like a browser?

Java - Fastest Stream for TCP/HTTP Communication?

python-requests: fetching the head of the response content without consuming it all

Performing a simple HTTP GET with Dispatch

scala http scala-dispatch

Accessing the raw http request in MVC4

Encode/Decode URl In C++

c++ http

python dictionary key error cannot resolve

Can I use boost asio for HTTPS requests

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Golang Http Server Disable Keep-Alive

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How to check if request post has been successfully posted?

Http service cache

angular http caching rxjs

What's the size limit for a field in a form post?

html http forms post

HTTP POST requests in PHP

php http post

How should I handle unsupported verbs on a resource?

http rest

Programmatically Downloading CSV Files with Java

java http

Spring MVC - Variables between pages, and Unsetting a SessionAttribute