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New posts in http-headers

link element prefetching not working in Firefox 3.6

Cannot fetch PDF file as binary data

How to reduce apache http response header size while 304 Not Modified

php apache http-headers

Keeping HTTP Basic Authentification alive while being redirected

Java HTTP process for 'streaming' video file

java http video http-headers

Loading an HTTPS image url that may redirect to HTTP

Safari 11 X-XSRF-TOKEN not updated after refresh

Angular HttpClient authorization header created but disappearing

What is the "raw HTTP header"? What is the difference between "HTTP header" and "raw HTTP header"?

MHTML File Header Redirect showing source code with MIME segments

Which code component in an ASP.NET (WebForms or MVC) application serves website resources such as images?

ASP.NET Web API CacheControl

Forward HTTPS client ip from Google Container Engine

How does Rails know when to respond with 304 status?

Request fails due to CORS issue with origin from localhost

Can I set the "HTML" Title of a PDF file served by my Apache Web server

apache http-headers

Why/how do browsers know to cache content (html,css,js,etc) when not explicitly instructed to do so

Why is mechanize throwing a HTTP 403 error?

Jquery File Upload - Not sending headers in IE9

Chrome on Windows adding trailing underscores to downloaded files?