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New posts in hololens

Change the border's color of a button in Unity3D

unity3d hololens

Hololens store submission input not working

Hololens Build Failing - The command AssemblyConverter.exe exited with code 1

Hololens - Access Camera Frames

How can I deploy an application to Hololens without VS?

package hololens

HoloLens SpatialMapping not available

unity3d hololens

WWW/UnityWebRequest POST/GET request won't return the latest data from server/url

c# unity3d get yield hololens

HoloLens websockets

websocket hololens

HoloLens Emulator with Visual Studio 2017 RC

Hololens falls asleep if moveless

Hololens Apps Will No Longer Build - Cites Metadata file missing and c-Sharp.firstpass not found

HoloLens holographic app


Will the Azure Kinect also support the HoloLens 2 hand tracking API?

azure hololens azurekinect

MRTK (V2) Need to update Hololens?

Can't deploy to HoloLens emulator

The ball goes through the ground in holo lens but in unity it works well.Spatial Mapping

unity3d hololens mrtk