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New posts in hibernate

Creating an UPDATE RETURNING query in Hibernate

java database oracle hibernate

Eager fetching collections in Hibernate with ScrollableResults

Weird GORM behaviour in grails when refreshing the page (F5)

hibernate grails grails-orm

Hibernate 2nd level data cache and integration/acceptance testing

'hibernate.dialect' must be set when no Connection available

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AbstractRoutingDataSource + JPA won't create table except defaultTargetDataSource

java spring hibernate orm

Ehcache low memory behaviour

"Incompatible data types in combination" leading to "Could not initialize a collection" in JPA with an inherited bidirectional relation

java hibernate inheritance jpa

Hibernate throws StreamCorruptedException: invalid stream header

activiti 5.9 using a hibernate session possible?

@IndexedEmbedded on a list of lazily-loaded entities, does not get into the search index automatically

Loading multiple annotated classes in Hibernate

Hibernate/persistence and singleton pattern

jpa mapping java type to database type

hibernate jpa jdbc

Hibernate generates ghost entries for new child entities

java hibernate

Hibernate OneToOne(optional=true) with FetchMode.JOIN try to re-select null values

java hibernate jpa orm

How do I auto-generate a GUID for a join table?

How to commit batches of inserts in hibernate?

Grails hibernate session in batches

Errors in Stopping tomcat 7 server when Hibernate 4 is used