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New posts in activiti

Is there a way to get tasks in Activiti process definition without creating a process instance?

java activiti

How to access Spring Beans in Activiti JavaDelegate tasks

How can I access a spring bean in Activiti JavaDelegate?

Could not update Activiti database schema: unknown version from database: ''

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activiti 5.9 using a hibernate session possible?

Activiti / Camunda change boundary timer with variable

What are the differences between open source BPM tools (such as Activiti, bonita) & Windows Workflow Foundation

Activiti - how to set condition for exclusive gateway in Java

What is difference between Stardust and Activiti

eclipse apache activiti bpmn

Is Activiti plugin on Eclipse unavailable

Activiti : no processes deployed with key

java activiti

Activiti - A Gateway to stop all parallel flows?

java activiti bpmn

How to merge variables from parallel flows in Activiti?

alfresco activiti bpmn

Is 'actiBPM' the best plugin for IntelliJ IDEA when I using 'Activiti'? [closed]

What is the difference between "workflow engine" and "business process management engine"?