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New posts in business-process-management

Which of these technology to use for BPM / Workflow engine? Any comparison of features? [closed]

How to query the position of a process instance?

How to access Spring Beans in Activiti JavaDelegate tasks

Approach to handle long-lived processes with Camel

Need technology recommendation/suggestion

Is Unit Testing Suitable for BPM Development?

Camunda BPM : CSRFPreventionFilter: Invalid HTTP Header Token

What are the differences between open source BPM tools (such as Activiti, bonita) & Windows Workflow Foundation

What are the benefits of using expression Delegates over Java classes?

What is the purpose of a BPM in a purest architecture? [closed]

Camunda BPM execution and variable scope misunderstanding

Difference between Kie Server, Business Central and Kie Workbench?

BPM vs ESB - Orchestration?

Embeddable Workflow/BPM Library For Python?

Java Process Servers Good Idea or Not?

Migrating Activiti tasks from old process to new process

Process Engines for BPMN 2.0