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New posts in guid

Sequential GUID generation in Java with SQL Server uniqueidentifier

Building a thread-safe GUID increment'er

c# .net multithreading guid

Why is the 17th digit of version 4 GUIDs limited to only 4 possibilities?

uuid guid

Cast ExecuteScalar result to a GUID with out using a string?

working with Fluent NHibernate and guid ids

GUID equivalent for Java (Android)

c# java android guid

Why third data in GUID starts with 4?

c# guid

Using a GUID as the ID in a database with ASP.NET MVC

asp.net-mvc guid

Using Parts of GUID as ID

asp.net-mvc guid

Failed to convert parameter value from a Guid to a String

c# string datatable guid

Why are public fields and properties interchangeably binary compatible?

c# System.guid does not contain a definition for Parse

c# asp.net casting guid

How to generate a version 1 Guid in .NET?

.net guid

Why does Guid.NewGuid never produce a Guid that doesn't contain a 4?

.net guid

Can I create or generate an invalid System.Guid in .Net?

c# .net vb.net guid

GUID with a always equal number [duplicate]

c# guid

Importing uuid in rollup ESM library creates an import statement for "crypto" in output file

SQL Server database with clustered GUID PKs - switch clustered index or switch to sequential (comb) GUIDs?

Is a good idea to use a GUID in name of files generated by users?

c# .net guid

Cast a string into Guid in VB.Net

asp.net vb.net casting guid