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New posts in guid

Generate Guid on Serverside Entity Framework 5?

entity-framework guid

Using a System.Guid as primary key in ASP.Net MVC?

Increment Guid in C#

c# increment guid

Moving from ints to GUIDs as primary keys

Delphi 7 tguid compare

delphi compare guid delphi-7

GUID COMB strategy in EF

What are the tradeoffs when generating unique sequence numbers in a distributed and concurrent environment?

How do I make Entity Framework 6 (DB First) explicitly insert a Guid/UniqueIdentifier primary key?

Is there a tool which detects duplicate interface GUIDs?

delphi guid

Is there a GUID alternative for distributed key generation?

c# .net database guid crc

Get Window handle (IntPtr) from Selenium webdriver's current window GUID

c# .net winapi selenium guid

Is there any way to generate a UUID in Java that is identical to that of the one generated in C#?

java c# scala hash guid

REST - get a random number GET or POST?

rest random guid uuid

Why are these two strings not equal?

c# guid

Is instantiating a GUID in Entity Framework Core bad practice?

How to create a worldwide unique GUID/UUID system for Mongo with Python?

python mongodb guid uuid pymongo

Is there any possibility that GUID will all be used up?

sql math guid uuid

Do I need to verify the uniqueness of a GUID?

c# .net guid

Guid vs random string

random char guid

How do you create a COM DLL in Visual Studio 2008?