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New posts in gradle

How can I use the Permissionsdispatcher library for the new Android M runtime permissions?

Downgrade Android SDK( api 23 -> api 21)

android gradle sdk

Is there any way to disable javadoc crashes in Android Studio with Maven plugin?

How do I alias gradle task as if it were called with -x parameter?


Publish custom jar output with gradle?

gradle build.gradle

Gradle - Load properties from a .properties file

gradle build.gradle

Gradle: How to compile classes that use com.sun.xml.internal.bind.*?

What's the meaning of 'sourceSets.all*'

groovy gradle

Defining a gradle task to run caliper microbenchmark

Gradle : sourceSets.test.classes not found


Defining custom classpath for a jar manifest in gradle

jar classpath manifest gradle

Run Gradle with verbose class loading?

java classloader gradle

How to support multiple projects in multiple languages (Java and Scala) in Gradle?

java scala build gradle

How to execute a Gradle task once at the end of subproject tasks

gradle multi-project

Gradle - Add folder to Eclipse classpath

gradle gradle-eclipse

Jacoco Unit and Integration Tests coverage - individual and overall [closed]

Gradle 1.9 with Jacoco plugin cannot find jacoco agent

java gradle jacoco

Android Gradle build fails: Could not find com.google.android:support-v4:r18

Gradle: List deprecated features

Using Gradle to split external libraries in separated dex files to solve Android Dalvik 64k methods limit

android gradle dalvik