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New posts in gradle-eclipse

How to run a gradle task from a java code?

java gradle gradle-eclipse

Gradle build failure: Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath' [closed]

How to support AARs in Eclipse?

Correctly import Gradle projects in Eclipse

Gradle - Add folder to Eclipse classpath

gradle gradle-eclipse

How to convert Java Gradle project to Dynamic Web Project?

Gradle subprojects won't compile with dependency on other subproject

gradle gradle-eclipse

Eclipse Buildship Plugin: nesting source folders

How to setup a Gradle build for a JSF2 application to be hosted by JBoss AS 7.1?

eclipse gradle workspace resolution between gradle projects not working

gradle gradle-eclipse

How to replace text in files using Gradle/Groovy functionality

Gradle build successful but has failures

In gradle how to use sources from relative path outside of project

java gradle gradle-eclipse

Can't see Generate Gradle build files when migrating from Eclipse to Android Studio

android gradle-eclipse

what is the purpose of "rawproto" files?

Gradle with Eclipse - incomplete .classpath when multiple sourcesets

gradle gradle-eclipse

Migrating from existing dynamic web project to gradle

STS 3.4.0 Gradle Support not working