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Defining custom classpath for a jar manifest in gradle

I'm trying to define a jar task for all sub projects (about 30). I tried the following task:

 jar {
            destinationDir = file('../../../../_temp/core/modules')
            archiveName = baseName + '.' + extension
            metaInf {
                    from 'ejbModule/META-INF/' exclude 'MANIFEST.MF'

          def manifestClasspath = configurations.runtime.collect { it.getName() }.join(',') 
            manifest {
            attributes("Manifest-Version"       : "1.0",
                "Created-By"             : vendor,
                "Specification-Title"    : appName,
                "Specification-Version"  : version,
                "Specification-Vendor"   : vendor,
                "Implementation-Title"   : appName,
                "Implementation-Version" : version,
                "Implementation-Vendor"  : vendor,
                "Main-Class"             : "com.dcx.epep.Start",
                "Class-Path"             : manifestClasspath 

My problem is, that the dependencies between the sub projects are not included in the manifest's classpath. I tried changing the runtime configuration to a compile configuration but that results in the following error.

  • What went wrong: A problem occurred evaluating project ':EskoordClient'.

    You can't change a configuration which is not in unresolved state!

That is my complete build file for project EskoordClient:

dependencies {     
    compile project(':ePEPClient')

Most of my sub projects build files only define the projects dependencies. 3rd party lib dependencies are defined in the build file of the super project.

Is there a possibility to include all needed classpath entries (3rd party libraries and other projects) to a manifest classpath in a superproject for all subprojects.

like image 224
user1490402 Avatar asked Jul 13 '12 11:07


1 Answers

This is how I got it to work. Get Project dependencies only using the call:


then adding the contents of each project's libsDir to my Class-Path manifest entry.

jar {
    manifest {
        attributes 'Main-Class': 'com.my.package.Main'
        def manifestCp = configurations.runtime.files.collect  {
        File file = it
        }.join(' ')

         configurations.runtime.getAllDependencies().withType(ProjectDependency).each {dep->

            def depProj = dep.getDependencyProject()
            def libFilePaths = project(depProj.path).libsDir.list().collect{ inFile-> "lib/${inFile}"  }.join(' ')
            logger.info"Adding libs from project ${depProj.name}: [- ${libFilePaths} -]"
            manifestCp += ' '+libFilePaths

        logger.lifecycle("---Manifest-Class-Path: ${manifestCp}")
        attributes 'Class-Path': manifestCp


like image 63
robododge Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
