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New posts in google-plus-one

Google Plus One button shows wrong count in Android App(wrong count issue)

android google-plus-one

google +1 javascript configuration object

Preserve Google +1, Facebook Like, and Twitter Tweet This button counts after URI change

adjusting width of google plus 1 button


Is it possible to access a user's Google +1 (Plus One) history via an API?


Google PlusOne Button has errors on Chrome

What kind of json answer starts with )]}'

ajax google-plus-one

Facebook, Twitter, and Google +1 buttons using only HTML (No Javascript)

Google's +1 Button: How do they do it?

How to get Google +1 count for current page in PHP?

Custom Google +1 Text and Image


Are there tags to specify the Google +1 story format in Google+ like og-meta for Facebook?

Adding a Google +1 button in Android App

Google +1 Button not W3C compliant

Google Plus button code warns: "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame" in Chrome

Is there a Google Plus URL debugger like the one for Facebook? [closed]

facebook google-plus-one

Use custom image for Google+1 button?


Social media buttons slow down website load time

Google +1 Button not working in IE7?

Share link on Google+

url share google-plus-one