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New posts in google-plus-one

Google Plus One Button Speed. Load on mouseover

How to get Google plus share in popup like Twitter?

How to disable google plus one (+1) button's hover bubble?

Add Google plus +1 button dynamically and IE8 problem

Specify image when sharing from Google +1 button

how to get the +1 count in google plus using any API

Google+ button remove free space/margin to the right | align to right

Google plus one button not showing


The following classes could not be instantiated: - com.google.android.gms.plus.PlusOneButton

I want to call Google Plus callback function when clicking on the Google Plus button

Reviews in Google API

Using Google +1 service without JavaScript


Android Development - Any Google + SDK Or code example? [duplicate]

Why does Google ignore my +1 page thumbnail?

Google plus-one button on a page that is refreshed with AJAX

How can I get the state ("on" or "off") of the Google +1 button?


What's the reason for using such syntax (0, _.Em)();

Google Plus +1 an Google Play application?

window.googleapis is undefined