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window.googleapis is undefined

I am trying to add a G+ +1 button on my web page. I am following the steps provided on Google developers page, but I get the following error window.googleapis is undefined. The same error appears even on Google developers page (viewed in Firebug).

Why does this error appear? And how can it be solved?

like image 591
user1080381 Avatar asked Feb 07 '13 07:02


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What is @googleapis?

googleapis.com is a legitimate service (API) provided by Google, however, many cyber criminals (scammers) use it to promote various 'tech' (technical) support scams.

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This is often the most simple (yet overlooked) causes of jQuery being undefined. In this case, jQuery is being loaded but it’s coming after another library/script that attempts to use jQuery and expects it to be defined. Below is an example of jQuery being loaded AFTER app.js which might contain references to jQuery which has not been loaded:

What happens if I don’t authenticate with Google API?

For many APIs, you’ll need to properly authenticate with the Google API before making a request. For example, making an API request using the Google Sheets API. If you don’t authenticate, you’ll see this error in your API response: The error code you’ll see when making an unauthenticated request.

What is the Google API client library?

It’s used in Google Sign-in, Google Drive, and thousands of internal and external web pages for easily connecting with Google APIs. First launched at Google I/O in 2012 to provide easy Google identity and API access, the client library is now used for thousands of domains and currently handles billions of Google API queries every day.

1 Answers

Looks like this error will appear only if the firebug is opened. Close firebug and refresh the page

like image 70
FDisk Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09
