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New posts in facebook-social-plugins

Facebook Like button - fetches "wrong" image [duplicate]

Add To Timeline button not requesting publish_actions permission

Adding HTML and JavaScript to a page with the Avada Theme in Wordpress

Facebook Application Secret for multiple websites

Facebook comment box with data-href using anchor issue

Facebook API post to feed with Bigger image?

Facebook comments plugin - no notifications

Social Plugins (Fb, Twitter, Google) adding 3 seconds of load time to my site. Defer them?

Facebook comments moderation, appid or facebook page?

social content locker for blogger.com blogs? is it possible

How to load a function method after facebook social plugin is has finished loaded?

How to dynamically change facebook comments plugin url based on javascript variable?

How to create a "Send to Mobile" button on web?

Post comment via graph api to social plugin box

Provided og:image is not big enough

facebook share HTML5 TypeError: getComputedStyle(...) is null

Facebook share button issue: "Attachment not found: The attachment could not be found."

Insert current URL into a link using JS and HTML

Retrieve the list of friends that did a custom action on a custom object in open graph 2