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New posts in glm-math

How to animate and propertly intepolate a QML rotation transform in 3D

c++ qt 3d qml glm-math

OpenGL - Local Up and Right From Matrix 4x4?

GLM conversion from euler angles to quaternion and back does not hold

Z value always 1 or -1 when using `glm::perspective`

c++ opengl glsl glm-math

Getting bullet physics transform matrix for Opengl

Normal mapping gone horribly wrong

Is the GLM math library compatible with Apple's metal shading language?

OpenGL C++ mouse ray picking glm:unproject

c++ opengl glm-math

glDrawElements crash (OpenGL 3.2 / Windows 7)

c++ opengl opengl-3 glm-math

glm::rotate() call fails to compile?

c++ opengl glfw glm-math

How to use a regular coordinate system while drawing vertices in OpenGL using the GLM library

c++ opengl glm-math

Converting glm quaternion to rotation matrix and using it with opengl

inconsistencies with matrix maths between GLSL and GLM, or is there such thing as a "bad" view matrix

c++ opengl matrix glsl glm-math

Why do I have to divide by Z?

Why can't I make a union containing a vec3 object?

c++ unions glm-math

Can GLM Be Used As Plain Old Data in glUniformx()?

c++ opengl glsl glm-math

glm::quat why the order of x,y,z,w components are mixed

c++ quaternions glm-math

glm::lookAt returns matrix with nan elements

opengl 3d glm-math