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New posts in gitignore

Using .gitignore to not commit bin, debug and config folders

git gitignore

The difference between a/ and a/* and a/** in .gitignore?

git gitignore

How to apply gitignore afterwards?

c# .net git gitignore

Eclipse Git gitignore file is ignored

android eclipse git gitignore

Does package-lock.json need to be versioned in git?

Git clean inside ignored folders

git gitignore

PHP filtering files and paths according .gitignore

php git path gitignore

Visual Studio Online Git - How to make sure /packages are ignored?

How do I ignore .DS_Store in my untracked files? [duplicate]

git gitignore

Exclude directories from tar archive with a .tarignore file

Git ignoring my .gitignore on a Rails project

ruby-on-rails git gitignore

zsh survive glob failure

What files should I add to the .gitignore when using MATLAB and Simulink?

matlab simulink gitignore

How can i include only specific folders in git using .gitignore?

git git-branch gitignore

Git: Ignore only content of the folder

git github gitignore

add .idea/libraries to .gitignore with Android Studio (and Gradle) a good idea?

Why is Git ignoring my Makefile?

git gitignore

Git: How to remove files that are now in gitignore but were added to repo before

git github gitignore

Does git update-index --skip-worktree affect the upstream repo?