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New posts in gitignore

How can I tell Git to use a different gitignore file than ".gitignore"?

git gitignore

gitignore what is the meaning of *~ and these other patterns?

git gitignore

git very slow with many ignored files

git gitignore tortoisegit

What is syntax for ignoring a directory in Git?

git github gitignore

.gitignore not ignoring package.json [duplicate]

git gruntjs gitignore

difference between * and /* in gitignore

git gitignore

Exclude directories in .gitignore which contain a particular file

.gitignore for Mono/MonoDevelop projects

git mono monodevelop gitignore

ignore files named npm-debug.log.XXXXXX in .gitignore

Tell git never to update a file

git gitignore

Keeping multiple .gitignore files (local and remote) in the same repository

git gitignore

Why are ignored files not being ignored?

How to restrict git from tracking / updating local changes?

Global Git Ignore with absolute path

git gitignore

Force git to ignore a directory and all present and future files within

.gitignore ignoring whitelisted folder

git gitignore

.gitignore and web.release.config

.gitignore does not work for **/*.xyz

git gitignore

why .gitignore not works?

Ignored file still showing changes