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New posts in gitignore

How to get the .env file into the remote host server

How can I set .gitignore to ignore all .jars but not in the expected folder

git gitignore

Git is ignoring .idea folder, but that isn't in gitignore

Add files to .gitignore directly from git shell

git echo gitignore git-shell

How to ignore existing, committed files in git? [duplicate]

git github gitignore smartgit

What is the difference between IntelliJ "ignored files" and the .gitignore

intellij-idea gitignore

How to add proguard mapping file on git (exclude in gitignore, Android Studio)

Scala on IntelliJ with Git: How should the .gitignore look like?

How to exclude R.java from Git tracking (after the fact)?

git gitignore

How to Git Ignore Contain "tiu" Word Files

git gitignore

Should website image files be included in GIT repository?

image git gitignore

Gitignore exclude certain files in all subdirectories

git gitignore

The .gitignore setting for the .idea folder of Jetbrains Rider's does not work

How to Git Ignore These Files

git gitignore

Why is SymfonyRequirements.php excluded from .gitignore?

Should I include .sass-cache with the repo when versioning a web project?

Git Ignore Files per Branch

Does .gitignore work on commit, push, or upon reaching the server?

git gitignore

Should gradle.properties be in gitignore for a react native project to hide release password?

How to filter history based on gitignore?

git gitignore rebase