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New posts in github-flavored-markdown

How can I suggest multiple lines be changed in markdown

vim markdown syntax highlighting is very buggy

MS Word is evil! Is there a good alternative? [closed]

Images in a table with GitHub markdown

How to remove extra line space on GitHub markdown bullets/lists?

How to create a good-looking notification or warning box in Github Flavoured Markdown?

How to prevent/disable automatic list number incrementing in markdown?

Github markdown, syntax highlight of code blocks in the table cell

Change font in Github Flavored markdown for Table

Github readme image embeds in private repo?

How do I show the "up" and "down" arrow keyboard key in GitHub markdown?

Cite a paper using github markdown syntax

Add Image to GitHub Readme.md from Google Drive

Is there any way to make markdown tables sortable?

strikethrough code in markdown on github

How can I wrap a multi-line quote in GFM?

Which inline HTML styles does GitHub Markdown accept?

How can I fold content in Github markdown?

Left-align headers in Markdown table?