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New posts in gemfile

How can I use multiple Gemfiles for my application?

Python equivalent of a ruby Gem file

python ruby sinatra gemfile

Bundler cannot continue; error parsing 'Gemfile': (<unknown>)

Git tagging and rails gemfile

RVM Gemsets and Ruby Gemfile confusion

ruby gem rvm gemfile

Bundle update stuck

Why does the Gemfile semantic versioning operator (~>) produce inconsistent results with one number?

Why does a Gem provide ~> AND => in RubyGems?

Your Ruby version is 2.7.0, but your Gemfile specified 2.6.3


Is it possible to override gemfile for local development?

ruby rubygems gemfile

Capybara::ElementNotFound: Unable to find xpath "/html"

Globally available Gemfile

Error loading the 'postgresql' Active Record adapter. Missing a gem it depends on? pg is not part of the bundle. Add it to your Gemfile


Why is Capistrano not installing gems with bundler?

heroku deploy taking very long

Capistrano could not locate Gemfile error on application deployment

Gem not loading: NameError (uninitialized constant) | But gem works in local path

Best practice, adding a version to each gem in the gemfile?

ruby-on-rails gemfile