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New posts in gemfile

What is the Correct Way To Add a :staging group to My Gemfile

You have already activated spring 1.3.6, but your Gemfile requires spring 1.3.3. (Gem::LoadError)

how can I go about using the Gemfile's :path argument to reference local gems in development with a value that is OS agnostic?

Rails 3.1.2 - Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "railties"

How to specify source in .gemspec file?

ruby rubygems gemfile gemspecs

How do I upgrade from Rails to Rails

How to use a local gem in console with bundled environment

Could not find gem 'pg (= 0.12.4) ruby' in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile or available on this machine

How to reduce heroku slug size?

heroku bundler gemfile

In a ruby .gemspec file, how do I specify multiple versions of a dependency?

ruby-on-rails ruby gemfile

Use non released Rails version from Git (possibly by commit number)

is it desirable to remove Gemfile.lock?

Rails app: using a gem vs. including source with Twitter Bootstrap

How to find unused gems and cleanup gemfile

How do i get IntelliJ to pick up my environment variables on MacOS X?

ruby intellij-idea gemfile

When do you need a require in a rails Gemfile?

I can't run "bundle update" because of "mysql2" gem

Local Gem Path For Development And Remote Git Repo For Production

rails 5.0.0 when installing "nio4r" : Failed to build gem native extension

How do i use a dependency from github in my gemspec?

ruby gemfile gemspecs