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New posts in garbage-collection

PHP Memcache(d) based sessions : Should garbage collection be disabled?

After GC , the address of the object in memory be changed and why the object reference still valid?

java garbage-collection

Optimizing collection of long lived objects

Disable the UseGCOverheadLimit in CentOS

Use both Garbage Collector and ARC in objective c

How does IsDisposed really work?

Overwriting object instance does not release memory?

Tweaking java classes for CPU cache friendliness

Should variables be declared inside the loop or outside the loop in java [duplicate]

Garbage collection time very high in spark application causing program halt

out of memory when repeatedly initializing Clearscript V8 engine (GC issue?)

PhantomReference with null queue

how to determine if Java heap is using compressed pointers and whether or not resides at address 0 in memory?

List.Clear(); vs List<T> = new List<T>(); Garbage Collection Performance

G1's ParallelGCThreads

Java 11 GC timestamp

Doubts about .NET Garbage Collector

c# garbage-collection

Safely pausing of thread during GC in .NET

.net garbage-collection

Need explanation of how an object can get garbage-collected when a method is executing on it

.net garbage-collection

What is the expected behavior of a locally scoped Timer?