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New posts in gallio

sonar / maven context: Gallio execution failed. Searching why:?

.net maven sonarqube gallio

Using Resharper Unit Test Runner for MSTest via Gallio

How do I configure VS2012 test runner to pick up and run Gallio unit tests?

TeamCity MSBuild Gallio NCover Reporting

Debug using MbUnit/Gallio 3.1

Unable to output log messages in MbUnit + TestDriven

Gallio: Cannot run tests because the MSTest executable was not found

unit-testing mstest gallio

MbUnit Icarus self-destructs on this test

What dlls from Gallio do I need to include for TeamCity to run the tests

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Using Gallio/Mbunit with TFS 2010 Team Build

mbunit tfsbuild gallio

Getting test runner to work with Gallio from Nuget

Gallio Icarus vs. Testdriven.net [closed]

How to programmatically run unit tests with Gallio and MBUnit?

Sonar & Gallio: Gallio won't execute as there are no test projects

How to support MBUnit tests in Resharper 7

Gallio test runner plugin to Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 for MBUnit tests

TestDriven.net with Gallio, MbUnit and NCover problems

How to debug mbunit/Gallio unit tests in visual studio

visual-studio mbunit gallio

is NUnit bad choice for Selenium test?

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Users of Gallio, what Advantages and Disadvantages have you experienced using this Tool?