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How can I derive typeclass instances from constraint families that are in scope?

How can I derive a Data instance for a GADT in Haskell?

haskell gadt deriving

OCaml's `type a. a t` syntax

Pattern match on a data family in Haskell

Why can't ghc match these types on this Category product?

Haskell Inaccessible code bug?

How can holes and contexts be implemented for higher-kinded types in a lens style uniplate library?

haskell gadt uniplate

Inferring general typeclass instance from a series of smaller ones?

GADTs for a DSL: swings and roundabouts?

haskell gadt

How would you abstract away the boilerplate in this pair of "similar shaped" datatypes

How to specify the type for a heterogenous collection in a GADT formulated AST?

Proper tagged AST

How can I ‘convince’ GHC that I've excluded a certain case?

I can't get my GADT-based toy Dynamic type to work with parametric types

haskell gadt curry-howard

Can GADTs (or existentials) without constraints be compiled as tight as untyped ordinary ADTs?

Equality of De Bruijn-indexed variables in a GADT

haskell dsl gadt

Haskell: GADT with UNPACK Pragma

haskell ghc pragma unpack gadt

Building values dynamically with GADTs using Data Kinds

Hiding a State monad's s type parameter

How to make fixed-length vectors instance of Applicative?