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Install to GAC and register in registry

wix gac

GAC seems to contain two assemblies with identical name, version and public key token

.net gac .net-assembly

Install .NET 4.0 dll to the GAC

Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.dll pain

asp.net .net-assembly gac

GAC Assembly Missing in Add Reference dialog

What's the purpose of the Global Assembly Cache (GAC)?

How to install a WSP that has dependant assemblies?

SQLCLR Function and System.Runtime.Serialization In GAC

ClickOnce and GAC

Is GAC a memory area or hard disk area?

c# gac

If an assembly is in the GAC, do all assemblies that it calls have to be in the GAC too?

nUnit - ignore GAC copy of a DLL

.net nunit gac

Deploying My DLL To GAC, References Other DLL Not In GAC

reference assemblies gac

What extra steps do you take when creating MSI installers for Vista?

Why are framework dlls repeated in several places?

.net assemblies gac

How do I deploy dlls to a system's GAC and check for their existence on program startup?

entity-framework gac