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New posts in future

Futures.awaitAll replacement in Scala 2.10

future.isDone returns false even if the task is done

java multithreading future

Future.wait() can't wait without a fiber (while waiting on another future in Meteor.method)

meteor future

Scalatest Asynchronous Test Suites vs Eventually and WhenReady (org.scalatest.concurrent)

Initializing an actor before being able to handle some other messages

scala asynchronous akka future

Calling a shiny JavaScript Callback from within a future

r callback shiny future

How to use EventLoopFuture in Swift properly?

converting Akka's Future[A] to Future[Either[Exception,A]]

Chain Scala Futures return type

scala future

Why does Future::select choose the future with a longer sleep period first?

select rust future

Future which never completes

scala concurrency future

What's the benefit of scalaz.concurrent.Future, in comparison to scalaz.ContT[Trampoline, Unit, ?]

How to process lines of a file in parallel?

java future executorservice

C++ 11 future_status::deferred not working

Can you use Future/Futuretask objects with Spring TaskExecutors?

Scala Futures callback hell

scala callback future

Doctest not recognizing __future__.division

python future division doctest

Asynchronously populating a Java Map and returning it as a future

TraversableOnce, Future, and Option in a Scala for comprehension

scala monads future