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Scalatest Asynchronous Test Suites vs Eventually and WhenReady (org.scalatest.concurrent)

I'm trying to use scalatest Asynchronous Test Suites, but aside from some restrictions over setting timeout and what not, I don't see what does the test suite actually add.

I wonder if anyone versed into asynchronous testing with scalatest could quickly explain the differences between Asynchronous Test Suites and org.scalatest.concurrent. What do async test suites actually add over org.scalatest.concurrent? Is one approach better over the other?

like image 326
MaatDeamon Avatar asked Apr 03 '19 05:04


1 Answers

We compare the following ScalaTest facilities for testing code that returns Futures:

  • Asynchronous style traits, for example, AsyncFlatSpec
  • ScalaFutures
  • Eventually

Asynchronous style traits

class AsyncSpec extends AsyncFlatSpec {
  Future(3).map { v => assert(v == 3) }
  • non-blocking
  • we can assert before Future completes, i.e., return Future[Assertion] instead of Assertion
  • thread-safe
  • single-threaded serial execution context
  • Futures execute and complete in the order they are started and one after another
  • the same thread that is used to enqueue tasks in the test body is also used to execute them afterwards
  • Assertions can be mapped over Futures
  • no need to block inside the test body, i.e., use Await, whenReady
  • eliminates flakiness due to thread starvation
  • last expression in the test body must be Future[Assertion]
  • does not support multiple assertions in the test body
  • cannot use blocking constructs inside the test body as it will hang the test forever because of waiting on enqueued but never started task


class ScalaFuturesSpec extends FlatSpec with ScalaFutures {
  whenReady(Future(3) { v => assert(v == 3) }
  • blocking
  • we must wait to complete the Future before we can return Assertion
  • not thread-safe
  • Likely to be used with global execution context scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global which is a multi-threaded pool for parallel execution
  • supports multiple assertions within the same test body
  • last expression in the test body does not have to be Assertion


class EventuallySpec extends FlatSpec with Eventually {
  eventually { assert(Future(3).value.contains(Success(3))) }
  • more general facility intended not just for Futures
  • semantics here are that of retrying a block of code of any type passed in by-name until assertion is satisfied
  • when testing Futures it is likely global execution context will be used
  • intended primarily for integration testing where testing against real services with unpredictable response times

Single-threaded serial execution model vs. thread-pooled global execution model

scalatest-async-testing-comparison is an example demonstrating the difference in two execution model.

Given the following test body

    val f1 = Future {
      val tmp = mutableSharedState
      println(s"Start Future1 with mutableSharedState=$tmp in thread=${Thread.currentThread}")
      mutableSharedState = tmp + 1
      println(s"Complete Future1 with mutableSharedState=$mutableSharedState")

    val f2 = Future {
      val tmp = mutableSharedState
      println(s"Start Future2 with mutableSharedState=$tmp in thread=${Thread.currentThread}")
      mutableSharedState = tmp + 1
      println(s"Complete Future2 with mutableSharedState=$mutableSharedState")

    for {
      _ <- f1
      _ <- f2
    } yield {
      assert(mutableSharedState == 2)

let us consider the output of AsyncSpec against ScalaFuturesSpec

  • testOnly example.AsyncSpec:

    Start Future1 with mutableSharedState=0 in thread=Thread[pool-11-thread-3-ScalaTest-running-AsyncSpec,5,main]
    Complete Future1 with mutableSharedState=1
    Start Future2 with mutableSharedState=1 in thread=Thread[pool-11-thread-3-ScalaTest-running-AsyncSpec,5,main]
    Complete Future2 with mutableSharedState=2
  • testOnly example.ScalaFuturesSpec:

    Start Future2 with mutableSharedState=0 in thread=Thread[scala-execution-context-global-119,5,main]
    Complete Future2 with mutableSharedState=1
    Start Future1 with mutableSharedState=0 in thread=Thread[scala-execution-context-global-120,5,main]
    Complete Future1 with mutableSharedState=1

Note how in serial execution model same thread is used and Futures completed in order. On the other hand, in global execution model different threads were used, and Future2 completed before Future1, which caused race condition on the shared mutable state, which in turn made the test fail.

Which one should we use (IMO)?

In unit tests we should use mocked subsystems where returned Futures should be completing near-instantly, so there is no need for Eventually in unit tests. Hence the choice is between async styles and ScalaFutures. The main difference between the two is that former is non-blocking unlike the latter. If possible, we should never block, so we should prefer async styles like AsyncFlatSpec. Further big difference is the execution model. Async styles by default use custom serial execution model which provides thread-safety on shared mutable state, unlike global thread-pool backed execution model often used with ScalaFutures. In conclusion, my suggestion is we use async style traits unless we have a good reason not to.

like image 189
Mario Galic Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 19:01

Mario Galic