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converting Akka's Future[A] to Future[Either[Exception,A]]

Is there a method in Akka (or in the standard library in Scala 2.10) to convert a Future[A] which might fail into a Future[Either[Exception,A]]? I know that you can write

f.map(Right(_)).recover {
  case e:Exception => Left(e)

It just seems to be such a common task that I wonder whether I have overlooked something. I'm interested in answers for Scala 2.9/Akka and Scala 2.10.

like image 657
Kim Stebel Avatar asked Jan 05 '13 04:01

Kim Stebel

2 Answers

The primary reason why this method is missing is that it does not really have good semantics: the static type Future[Either[Throwable, T]] does not ensure that that future cannot fail, hence the type change does not gain you much in general.

It can of course make sense if you control all the code which handles those futures, and in that case it is trivial to add it yourself (the name is due to me posting before first coffee, feel free to replace with something better):

implicit class FutureOps[T](val f: Future[T]) extends AnyVal {
  def lift(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Either[Throwable,T]] = {
    val p = promise[Either[Throwable,T]]()
    f.onComplete {
      case Success(s)  => p success Right(s)
      case Failure(ex) => p success Left(ex)

It works very similarly with Akka 2.0 futures, hence I leave that exercise to the reader.

like image 86
Roland Kuhn Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10

Roland Kuhn

Another version of such conversion (in standard Scala):

f.transform(tryResult => Success(tryResult.toEither))
like image 28
Mikhail Golubtsov Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 11:10

Mikhail Golubtsov