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Scala: Implementing a subtype of Numeric[T]

How does one go about implementing a subtype of Numeric[T]? I have been looking for at guide on this but haven't found any. Example of subtypes could be Rational or Complex?

Thanks in advance Troels

like image 356
Troels Blum Avatar asked Feb 16 '10 17:02

Troels Blum

1 Answers

An absolutely useless String Numeric:

trait StringIsNumeric extends Numeric[String] {
  def plus(x: String, y: String): String = "%s+%s" format (x, y)
  def minus(x: String, y: String): String = "%s-%s" format (x)
  def times(x: String, y: String): String = "%s*%s" format (x, y)
  def quot(x: String, y: String): String = "%s/%s" format (x, y)
  def rem(x: String, y: String): String =  "%s%%s" format (x, y)
  def negate(x: String): String = "-%s" format (x)
  def fromInt(x: Int): String = x.toString
  def toInt(x: String): Int = 0
  def toLong(x: String): Long = 0L
  def toFloat(x: String): Float = 0.0f
  def toDouble(x: String): Double = 0.0
implicit object StringIsNumeric extends StringIsNumeric with Ordering.StringOrdering

def x[T: Numeric](t1 : T, t2 : T)  = {
  val n = implicitly[Numeric[T]]
  import n._
  t1 * t2
scala> x("a","b")
res0: java.lang.String = a*b
like image 99
Thomas Jung Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09

Thomas Jung