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New posts in function-composition

What am I missing: is function composition with multiple arguments possible?

Haskell - How does this average function work?

How Haskell's "composing lenses using function composition" with that weird order of arguments could be implemented?

Better Function Composition in Python

Composing a Java Function and Consumer

What is ((+) . (+)) in Haskell?

Chaining methods left to right in Haskell (as opposed to right to left)

Is there an operator for function composition in Julia?

How can I write a recursive compose function in R?

Is there a way to chain functions like withCString?

Expressing long chain of compositions in Haskell

compose function and functional module

Function composition in Haskell with tuple arguments [duplicate]

Functional composition with multi-valued functions in haskell?

Variadic compose function?

How do you compose functions in PureScript?

Haskell: type inference and function composition

Haskell dot operator

Why doesn't Function2 have an andThen method?

Why does compose() need an explicit cast when andThen() does not?