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ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file 'XYZ.app/abc.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Abcbundle' is not permitted

ios frameworks app-store

Is there a development framework for producing Kinetic Typography where the animations are set to music? [closed]

100% Javascript Web Framework

javascript frameworks

PHP - Slim Framework: Best practice with a lot of code inside routes closures

php routes frameworks slim

IBOutlet properties from Swift framework are missing from Objective-C app

Private pod with static library in along with swift pod

How to make a dynamic framework(Swift) based on two static libraries using Cocoapods

Does bitcode support weak linking third party frameworks?

Best Django features that do work on Google App Engine?

GUI frameworks for Java

How could you structure and route modules in a MVC?

Entity Framework always includes data that is in context even if I don't ask for it

Multiple applications with django

python django frameworks

Is there a high-level language for the web?

SproutCore and Cappuccino [closed]

How to Post to Facebook on iOS 6 in Objective-C using ACAccountStore class