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GUI frameworks for Java

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions of frameworks to give an old desktop application a much needed facelift. The application has had a long life without anyone giving any attention to its exterior resulting in a monster with an 80s look.

I've just downloaded and tried MyDoggy framework for making windows floatable and dockable. So I'm looking similar for quick and easy fixes that will bring a dead looking application back to life.

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Alex Avatar asked Oct 15 '22 13:10


2 Answers

I think you don't want to rewrite your app, right? Because it seems as all the other guys think so, suggesting SWT and JavaFX.

To pimp your existing Swing App, take a look at jgoodies.com, the substance look and feel or the swinglabs

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Tim Büthe Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10

Tim Büthe

Just changing the look and feel and some components might already help to give your application a second youth. Consider for example Violet which is IMO a nice looking application. It uses a custom theme based on the PgsLookAndFeel and some components from L2FProd.com.

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Pascal Thivent Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10

Pascal Thivent