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New posts in floating-point

Efficient way to round double precision numbers to a lower precision given in number of bits

c# floating-point rounding

What precision are floating-point arithmetic operations done in?

Django Float Field input

Delphi - comparison of two "Real" number variables

delphi floating-point

C++ Float Comparison Around Zero Fails With Gtest

bitwise casting uint32_t to float in C/C++

How can I increase precision in R when calculating with probabilities close to 0 and 1?

r floating-point precision

Formatting floats: returning to default

How to use std::signaling_nan?

How do I do floating point rounding with a bias (always round up or down)?

c++ floating-point rounding

Strange compiler behavior with float literals vs float variables

Why is there an implicit conversion from Float/Double to BigDecimal, but not from String?

In C and Objective-C, should we use 0.5f or 0.5?

Generating random latitude and longitude in MySQL

mysql random floating-point

Is the behavior of unsigned(-0.0) defined in C++?

Using Haskell ranges: Why would mapping a floating point function across a range cause it to return an extra element?

Why does Swift use base 2 for the exponent of hexadecimal floating point values?

floating-point swift

Comparing two pandas series for floating point near-equality?

Why are denormal floating-point values slower to handle?


How to convert floating point algorithm to fixed point?