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New posts in floating-point

C++ `digits10` is 6 for IEEE float, but the first non-representable integer already has 8 digits?

Convert a float-formated char[] to float

How to deal with rounding errors of floating types for financial calculations in Python SQLite? [duplicate]

Why don't operations on double-precision values give expected results?

Print binary representation of a float number in C++ [duplicate]

c++ floating-point

Can two doubles be equal and not equal at the same time?

c++ floating-point

Converting IEEE 754 from bit stream into float in JavaScript

Float not correct in MySQL

is it possible to find random floats in range [a,b] in python?

Objective C: Releasing int/float properties

Reading file string into an array (In a pythonic way)

Bad result from Java modulo operator?

Why is my C program printing 0.000000 here?

c floating-point

Using Java doubles (or anything else) to store simple fractions [duplicate]

Comparing Floating Point Nos - Google Test Framework

Recursive Haskell; Newton's Method: Why Doesn't This Converge?

C/C++ optimization: negate doubles fast

How to set the imaginary part of a complex number to zero?

Floating point calculation gives different results with float than with double

Python (strangely) rounding values [duplicate]

python numpy floating-point