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New posts in finalizer

Does an object with a pending finalizer need to be collected by the GC more than one time?

is it legal to recreate a rooted reference to 'this' in a .net destructor?

Correct way of implementing Finalize and Dispose(When parent class implements IDisposable)

How to dispose/release/"finalize" unmanaged resources when a shared value gets out of scope

.NET - Finalizers and exit(0)

How to properly destroy a class

Finalizers with Dispose() in C#

c# dispose finalizer

C# WeakReference object is NULL in finalizer although still strongly referenced

Use finalize() in my case?

Finalizers and Dispose

C#: In a finalizer, how to find out if the application is shutting down?

Why is it always necessary to implement IDisposable on an object that has an IDisposable member?

Implement finalizable dispose pattern with multiple related finalizable objects

Finalizer not called before second object is created except when using weakref

Should Java 9 Cleaner be preferred to finalization?

How do I unit test a finalizer?

Why is the finalize() method deprecated in Java 9?

Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer: Google API bug Or Samsung kernel bug?