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New posts in application-shutdown

why spring boot always shutdown in two hours

C#: In a finalizer, how to find out if the application is shutting down?

Prompt user to save when closing app

Python - How to detect when user closes a console application via "X" button

notify View(Models) of closing the program

Application.Current.Shutdown(-1) not closing WPF app

wpf application-shutdown

How to save variables after application shut down?

How to properly quit application, call exit(0)?

Intercepting java machine shutdown call?

java application-shutdown

contextDestroyed() vs addShutdownHook()

Application.Current.Shutdown() doesn't

wpf application-shutdown

WPF application is not closing correctly

What is the correct way to add a Shutdown Hook for an Eclipse RCP application?

Is there a Delphi event that is guaranteed to be called when an app terminates but before any forms are destroyed?

C++ graceful shutdown best practices

Express.js app not shutting down cleanly with server.close()

Is there something like finally() in Go just opposite to what init()?