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FFI 1.0.11 doesn't install in cygwin

linking extra libraries/objects failed

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Pointers to ADTs in Haskell

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Locating Javascript libraries for FFI

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Creating a statically-linked Haskell library on Mac

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About wrap and call C function

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Importing 'C' Delay function into Haskell using FFI

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Calling PyPy sandbox from another language

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Pointer-stashing generics via `mem::transmute()`

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foreign import prim call to LLVM

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Interfacing with the code which calls select()

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base does not contain a CLISP linking set error

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What is the syntax for the Squeak FFI in the new Squeak (5.0)

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Haskell cabal include static library

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Lua/Luajit: Indexing and named method at the same time?

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How to properly link object files written in Haskell?

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Interchange structured data between Haskell and C

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Difference between hsc2hs and c2hs?

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How do I call C from Go using the "foreign function interface"

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