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New posts in extern

How to set up a C++ function so that it can be used by p/invoke?

c# c++ pinvoke dllimport extern

Is extern keyword really necessary?

c++ extern

Why can extern be applied to definitions?

c++ c extern

What's is the idea behind C99 inline?

c c99 extern inline-functions

Correct way to declare/define custom cout-like object

C: undefined reference to a variable when using extern

c global-variables extern

undefined reference when using extern

How does extern work in namespaces?

C2732 - Linkage specification error

Alias for function

c# function winapi alias extern

How to declare extern 2d-array in header?

How to call a C++ method from C? [duplicate]

c++ c class extern

What is the use of Static local variable when we can get a global variable at the same cost?

Using `extern template` with third-party header-only library

C++ global extern "C" friend can't reach private member on namespaced class

Passing a struct to a template with extern const. What is the extern for?

Extern in multiple files and possible double definition

What is the best strategy for sharing variables between source files in c/c++?

c++ c global-variables extern