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C++ global extern "C" friend can't reach private member on namespaced class

Please consider the code:

#include    <iostream>

using namespace std;

extern  "C"
void    foo( void );

namespace   A
    template< int No >
    class   Bar
        friend  void    ::foo( void );

        static void private_func( int n );

    template< int No >
    void    Bar< No >::private_func( int n )
        cout << "A:Bar< " << No << ">::private_func( " << n << " )" << endl;

extern  "C"
void    foo( void )
    A::Bar< 0 >::private_func( 1 );

int main( )
    cout << " ---- " << endl;
    foo( );

G++ gives:

> g++ -Wall -o extern_c extern_c.cpp
extern_c.cpp: In function void foo()’:
extern_c.cpp:20:7: error: static void A::Bar<No>::private_func(int) [with int No = 0]’ is private
extern_c.cpp:29:31: error: within this context

If I comment the namspace A, it will compile and run correctly.

What am I missing?

I looked related topics, but could not find any that fits in my problem.

  • C++: namespace conflict between extern "C" and class member
  • Why this friend function can't access a private member of the class?

Thanks people.


I am now convinced that extern "C" has nothing to do with the problem. Please ignore it.

like image 703
j4x Avatar asked Jul 25 '11 19:07


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C++ namespaces with private members. A cool alternative to the C way of having static global variables. In C++ you can build beautiful namespaces with private members (variables and functions). This is a good choice when you want to hide the inner workings of a set of utility functions from the final user.

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Access global variable using 'extern'. By declaring a variable as extern we are able to access the value of global variables in c language. Basically, extern is a keyword in C language that tells to the compiler that definition of a particular variable is exists elsewhere. Here I am declaring x as extern and then the print the value of x.

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1 Answers

It's a g++ bug. Exists in 4.4, fixed in 4.6.

UPD: It seems that it's triggered by a combination of template and namespace. extern "C" is not relevant, as it may be commented out and the error remains.

like image 197
n. 1.8e9-where's-my-share m. Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

n. 1.8e9-where's-my-share m.