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New posts in exit

atexit, exit delegate in c#

c# exit

In Perl is there a way to restart the program currently running from within itself?

perl exit subroutine

C, exit and pcntl_wait functions produce multiples of 256, why?

PHP Best way to stop constructor

php security constructor exit

Bash script not exiting immediately when `exit` is called

bash scripting exit terminate

How to terminate a scheme program early? (Is there an "exit"?)

scheme exit

Java: How to cancel application exit

Ending a Case Early

vb6 exit select-case

Exit application on "Back" button on WP7

Exit status of tasklist in batch file?

difference between System.exit(0) and System.exit(-1) [duplicate]

java exit system.exit

How to break out of a sourced Bash script's function

bash return exit terminate

How to read "Enter" from the keyboard to exit program

what is the difference between exit and std::exit in C++?

c++ exit

Early return from a Scala constructor

scala constructor exit

How to fail the ant script, if exec task fails

ant scripting exit

Execute a default task in ANT in case of failure

java ant exit

Detect End Process From Task Manager In C#

c# exit taskmanager

Why are the methods sys.exit(), exit(), raise SystemExit not working?

Is there a way to execute a command on exit (regardless of how the script exited)?

bash exit